Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm back.....

Wow the end of August is almost here!! The summer went by so fast! Nick started Kingarten July 30th.... and he loves it!! I have watch him grow up so much over the past few weeks. He says Kindergarten is very different from pre-k. I have thought and prayed alot over this summer. Should I go back to work? We have decided no. I could have went back but that would mean putting Preston is a daycare and Nick going to after-school program. I believe that I am doing the best job possible and for someone else to raise my children would just not be right. I have also made lots of changes this summer... the way I run my house which I will go into further detail later, but I am very happy with being a stay-at-home mommy :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

it has been a busy couple of weeks!!

I haven't been on here for a few weeks. Just been so busy! Nick had his 5th birthday!! He is getting so big. Mother's Day was Sunday.Of course I got some of the cutest things from Kevin and the boys :) And now it is less that 2 weeks til Nick is out of school for the summer. Wow is this year going by fast!! Other than that things are some old same old... Parent teacher conferences is Thursday. I expect nothing but good things and Nick has a baseball game that afternoon!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


YAY for Friday!! It has been a long week! I sick most of it... feeling much better now. Not much planned for the weekend which I am so....... thankful for!! Nick has tball in the morning and my mom is coming down here for a while :) Just having a night at hme tonight with the boys. about to have some pizza and a movie. W e do this every Friday night. Nick loves it!! But I know that it will not last so I enjoy it while I can!! Nick has learned so much this week. He added hi, more, and out to his vocabulary. And can almost do all of pattty-cake. He is getting so big. I just wish he would walk already!!! Nick was student of the day Tuesday!! He is such a good kid :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter weekend

Well Easter weekend has come and gone. Saturday was good. Nick had tball practice that morning. He did so great!! We are so proud of him. He absolutely loves it!!

Later that day we went to Lowes. We are currently redoing the kitchen. New counter tops should be in the next few days. I usually try to go to Lowes with Kevin because if I dont he buys some off the wall iteam that we really dont need. I personally think he has a Lowes shopping addiction...lol SO.... he ends up making that buy anyways!! We now also have a new refrigerator..Anyways then we took the boys out to eat. Applebee's...yummy they loved it.

Sunday we spent the day at home. After church I made lunch and the boys found eggs in the backyard.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

birthday fun

Tomorrow is my moms birthday!! My sister and I are throwing her a suprise party tomorrow afternoon. Nick and I just finished the cake. He thought of the idea that since it is so close to Easter that we could make her a bunny cake...lol Anyways the cake is finished and I just need to go to the store tonight to get a few last min. things.

Preston is turning into a lil monkey!! He is not walking yet but is climbing and getting into everything. Yesterday he climbed on top of his exersaucer. This is the pic I got this morning. He thinks he is hiding....lol

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break!! with snow??

Yep Nick is on spring break this week from school and it is snowing!! In April!! In Georgia?? lol I know, right... weird. Not much. Just flurries but we are ready for spring to be here. TBall was cancelled last night so we just stayed in and watched a move.
No plans for this afternoon. Just getting some cleaning done that I normally do on Mondays. But the hubby was home yesterday. So between him and the kids obviously I didnt get much done. Today is also kind of a day to remember. April 7, 2009 would have been my grandmothers 87th birthday. I miss her so much...